DPD Driver wearing a red dpd uniform and a red dpd cap looking at a man wearing a light blue shirt DPD Driver wearing a red dpd uniform and a red dpd cap looking at a man wearing a light blue shirt
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With worldwide reach, we at Geopost are a leader in parcel delivery and solutions for commerce.

global footprint global footprint


At Geopost, we are present in more than 50 countries worldwide. Between our global reach and best-in-class network of local experts, the result is strong partnerships with significant scope. Trust us with what matters to you.

DPD employee carrying parcels in a warehouse DPD employee carrying parcels in a warehouse


Our Vision is of a future where purpose and profit form a powerful partnership – with sustainable progress as the ultimate prize – for today, for tomorrow and for future generations. Because better business is better for business.

Our Values drive us to accelerate & scale transformative change

• Empowering: we unlock the potential of our people & businesses.

• Entrepreneurial: we take bold actions to better business.

• Inventive: we challenge the status quo with creativity.

Skyline reflecting the sun Skyline reflecting the sun


At Geopost, we work tirelessly to become the international reference in sustainable delivery and a leading enabler of commerce. Fueling transformation is at the core of our 2030 strategy. Our ambition to spark progress is what Together & Beyond is all about.

red stencil shapes red stencil shapes


The Executive Committee of Geopost defines and ensures implementation of our strategic objectives. With the support of our 55,000 employees, we collectively and consistently adapt as the business environment demands.

Geopost belongs to La Poste Groupe, a public-owned limited company and subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts and the French State.

van van


Geopost is more than a company; it is a catalyst. Our saga was forged by a series of transformative acquisitions, culminating in global reach rooted in local leadership. Today our position is unique: your international reference in sustainable delivery and commerce solutions.