DPDgroup supports healthcare professionals and local businesses during the pandemic
Press release 23 April 2020
1 ton of materials delivered by DPD Portugal to hospitals for combating Covid-19
35 community initiatives implemented by SEUR in Spain
Covid-19 tests delivered by BioLogistic drivers in France
Free delivery service to supply 3D printed face shields provided by DPD UK
Full continuity of service whilst coping with sanitary requirements
Goods transport is a backbone of the local and national economy and an essential service for the population in general. Due to the crucial role transport represents, DPDgroup’s teams are fully mobilized to help businesses keep up with their daily activity, and mitigate the economic impacts of this sanitary crisis.
DPDgroup keeps on providing continued and reliable deliveries to its customers. In this unprecedented context, the necessary measures to protect both workers and customers are taken, in compliance with the latest guidelines given by the local and national authorities.
“Our first priority needs to be to continue to protect our staff and to ensure the safest possible working conditions, while adapting our business processes to serve our customers”
Boris Winkelmann, Executive Vice President of DPDgroup
DPDgroup is giving top priority to the health of shippers, consignees and delivery staff. DPDgroup provides its drivers with masks and hand sanitizer. The company also implemented new collection; sorting and delivery processes to ensure social distancing rules are met, and protect workers, drivers and customers. Everywhere in Europe, DPDgroup adapted its procedures and deployed contact-free delivery. Consignees no longer need to sign on the handheld scanner when receiving parcels.
Thanks to the high reactivity of the staff and the fast implementation of safety measures, DPDgroup maintains the full operability if its network and remain a reliable partner for home deliveries as well as parcel shops deliveries: 60% of Pickup points, parcel shops and lockers are currently available worldwide.
DPDgroup volunteered to help
As a leading transport operator and an expert in last-mile delivery, the Group is leveraging on its international network and is using its expertise to provide logistics support to healthcare professionals.
Huge chain of solidarity within SEUR’s network in Spain
SEUR is participating in 35 community initiatives, most of them carrying medical supplies to hospitals, nursing homes, security forces and other professional groups exposed to the virus. The Spanish company has already delivered more than 240,000 masks, thousands of kilos of sanitary and hygiene material and more than 33 tons of food.
More than 1 ton of medical materials delivered by DPD Portugal
In association with Tech4COVID-19 and APT3D projects, DPD Portugal transported gloves, masks, visors and materials to equip Portuguese hospitals. Personal protective equipment as well as towels and sheets were also provided.
“In the end, we’ve carried about 1.5 ton of materials to its destination. This will allow those who take care of COVID-19 patients to be protected. Obviously, none of this would have been achieved without the commitment of our drivers. We are very proud of them! After all, they are our heroes ... and they will not stop!”
Olivier Establet, CEO of DPD Portugal
In France, Chronopost and Stuart mobilized to support local communities
BioLogistic, a Chronopost subsidiary specialized in temperature-sensitive products, is bringing a decisive contribution in these difficult times. Every day, BioLogistic teams are delivering Covid-19 samplings to analysis laboratories and hospitals through dedicated express tours. Biologistic’s capacity to collect and deliver in a controlled-temperature environment and on time is crucial. It helps achieve analyses very quickly and inform the patient and health authorities of the results.
Stuart – a subsidiary specialized in express urban delivery – provides local and urgent delivery services of essential goods (food, masks, gloves, medication and hand sanitizer) to support pharmacies and medical facilities. The company also makes their urban depots available in the heart of Paris for receiving, sorting and delivering sanitary products in the city.
DPD UK highly committed to support the healthcare community
In the UK, the company is using its distribution network to deliver, free of charge, 3D printed face shields to National Health Service. DPD UK is collecting the components from different places and deliver them to a central hub in Sheffield where the masks are being assembled in a company called Pimoroni.
"This is a really smart example of a community working together and shows how our nationwide network can be used to support key services at this time. Our healthcare workers are doing a fantastic job - despite the exceedingly difficult situation they find themselves in. The supply of the much-needed face-shields is crucial, and we are delighted to be able to help."
Dwain McDonald, DPD UK's CEO
The company also provide much needed welfare and treat packs for patients and NHS staff by donating 45,000 care items to 160 NHS hospitals nationwide. The list of items has been agreed with the NHS and deliveries coordinated with DPD's existing NHS contacts. The welfare pack includes cosmetics and toiletries. The food and treat packs contain instant noodles, energy drinks, biscuits, crisps, tea and coffee.
DPD Germany provides logistical support and delivery services to combat for Covid
Since the beginning of March DPD Germany has delivered more than 1000 tons of fresh food, making an important contribution to providing the population with basic supplies. DPD Germany donates any food which cannot be delivered free of charge to the non-profit organisation "Die Tafeln", which passes it on to people in need throughout Germany. DPD Germany is also helping to cope with the pandemic by transporting medical equipment. For example, the company provided logistical support for a fundraising campaign by its customer Geely, which donated 7 tons of protective suits, breathing masks and protective gloves to medical facilities in the greater Frankfurt area.
"Especially in difficult times the delivery of parcels is more important than ever: we are making an important contribution to the supply of essential goods to people and companies in Germany"
DPD Germany CEO Eric Malitzke
DPD Poland supports the medical staff community
DPD Poland has become the logistics partner of the campaign "Pogotowie Okularowe" (Glasses Rescue Team for doctors) organized by one of its clients - the network of optical stores "Aurum Optics". The initiative involves repairing glasses free of charge. DPD Poland is responsible for collecting glasses from those in need and then delivering repaired ones.
About DPDgroup
DPDgroup is the largest international parcel delivery network in Europe. DPDgroup combines innovative technology and local knowledge to provide a flexible and user-friendly service for both shippers and shoppers. With its industry-leading Predict service, DPDgroup is setting a new standard for convenience by keeping customers closely in touch with their delivery.
With 77,000 delivery experts and a network of more than 46,000 Pickup points, DPDgroup delivers 5.3 million parcels each day - 1.3 billion parcels per year - through the brands DPD, Chronopost, SEUR and BRT.
DPDgroup is the parcel delivery network of GeoPost, which posted sales of €7.8 billion in 2019. GeoPost is a holding company owned by Le Groupe La Poste.
To stay up-to-date with DPDgroup’s latest news, follow DPDgroup on www.dpdgroup.com,