Geopost extends its Day Definite delivery service all over Europe

Press release 12 September 2023

Now available in 30 destination countries across Europe, the enhanced DPD Classic offers a lead time from shipping postcode to a destination postcode to support the development of its customers in Europe.


In February, Geopost launched the enhanced version of its standard DPD service within a first set of European countries with information on parcel arrival day to better support its customers in their cross-border journeys. Further to this successful rollout phase involving 10 countries, DPD Classic updated to Day Definite has now been deployed to Geopost’s full European network, enabling DPD clients to strengthen their business in 30 European markets with reliable lead times and an attractive price.

Today, in a global challenging economical context, companies need to find new ways to empower both their BtoB and BtoC businesses and make them match their customers’ expectations. Our Geopost teams, through our extensive European brand network (DPD, SEUR, BRT), daily accompany their customers amid increasingly competitive perspective and across a large array of segments: e- commerce, fashion beauty and sportswear, manufacturing, and consumers products, high-tech, food and healthcare.

In this context, cross-border operations are essential to business flows​. Based on a strong experience in e-commerce and delivery services in Europe, Geopost experts have upgraded the standard DPD Classic / DPD Business and DPD Home with:

  • A comprehensive reach, by offering access to the densest network in Europe covered by DPD Classic:

    • From 24 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom

    • To 30 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Bosnia, Serbia, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.



The upgraded version of DPD Classic also includes:

  • Lead time from origin postcode to a destination postcode, with a collection/pickup cut-off time.

  • Digital tools to offer predictability to customers, help businesses to better optimize their on-site deliveries and to encourage the purchase decision on the part of consumers:

  • Lead Time Map: an interactive and exhaustive view of the door-to-door lead times.

  • Lead Time calculator: lets clients discover lead times for parcels between two postcodes everywhere in Europe

  • Geopost's pioneering notification system Predict, part of our DPD Classic services for more than 10 years and which offers clients and customers the flexibility to change delivery options with redirections to +84,000 Pickup locations in Europe, beyond end-to-end tracking and live tracking during delivery tour.


“The first phase of Day Definite has sparked true interest with our clients,”

Eric Dietz, Geopost CEO for Europe said,

“what is mostly appreciated is the alliance between key components for their commerce journey intra-Europe: a stable and high-quality level of service with reliable lead times at an affordable price. Extending this offering to our complete network is therefore a significant step. It strategically completes our range of services covering reliability –via Day Definite–, predictability –through Predict notification system–, and sustainability –via our decarbonization plan and low-emission fleets.”



Confidence, predictability, and reliability are key drivers for European e-shoppers to enjoy a positive delivery experience:


Our E-shopper barometer* shows that regular e-shoppers are more and more demanding when it comes to achieving a seamless e-shopping experience.  When asked about their top expectations, time management comes out first, along with having a trusting relationship with a delivery expert. These two findings underline the importance of a qualitative delivery service to increase customer experience and gain consumer loyalty.


Time management: top expectation for e-shoppers

72% of Regular e-shoppers (+2p pts vs 2021) consider that the ability to ​select the day and exact 1-hour window/timeslot in advance of their delivery would make them more likely to purchase from a website/retailer/app​lication.


69% of Regular e-shoppers (+2 pts vs 2021) consider that knowing the exact 1-hour window/timeslot of their delivery would make them more likely to purchase from a website/retailer/app​lication.

Thus, trust in the delivery company continues to be increasingly important especially for reasons of peace of mind, good user experience and because of e-shoppers’ preference reason:

71% of Regular e-shoppers (+3 pts vs 2021) consider it important ​to know the delivery company when they place their order and state it is reassuring/comforting to know who will deliver their parcel.


*E-shopper barometer Geopost 2022-23: 23,974 interviews conducted from May 30th to July 26th, 2022, across 22 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, UK). Learn more about the e-shopper barometer here.



About Geopost

Geopost, a European leader in parcel delivery and solutions for e-commerce, operates in 49 countries across all continents through its network of expert delivery brands, including: DPD, Chronopost, SEUR, BRT, Speedy and Jadlog. Leveraging its industry-specific expertise, Geopost is further growing the development of out-of-home delivery services with Pickup, the densest parcel shop and locker network in Europe and is also expanding temperature-controlled solutions for food and healthcare business. In a world of acceleration and transformation, Geopost engages and embraces new e-commerce territories with eShopWorld via Asendia, epicery and

With 57,000 employees, Geopost endeavours to make commerce more convenient, profitable and sustainable for their customers and communities. Committed to becoming an international reference in sustainable delivery, Geopost is the first global delivery company to have its roadmap to Net Zero by 2040 approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Part of the La Poste Groupe, Geopost generated a €15.6 billion revenue and delivered 2.1 billion parcels worldwide in 2022.

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